Version: 2.0.3 (ffdfbdbc)

Release Date: 04/23/2017

Machine Dossier Version 2.0.3 improved the capability to notify the user when an alarm level is breached. Users can now choose one or both of the following notification methods:

  • SMS text notification (phone number is set in an individual’s Collective User page)
  • Email notification (email address is set in an individual’s Collective User page)

Several improvements in the way Machine Dossier displays data were implemented in Version 2.0.3:

  • More than one measurement unit for a given point can be displayed at once. A drop down menu now can be opened in the top left corner of the plot and other measurements for a given point can be displayed at once for comparison purposes. For example, the Velocity and Acceleration data can be now compared.
  • More than one measurement for a given machine can be displayed at once. A drop down menu now can be opened in the top left corner of the plot and other measurements points for a given machine can be displayed at once for comparison purposes. For example, the Horizontal, Vertical and Axial data for a measurement location can be compared. Another example would be displaying all the horizontal measurements for the Drive Outboard, Drive Inboard, Driven Inboard and Driven Outboard locations at once for comparison purposes.
  • A Harmonic cursor is now available in the Spectrum plot. This allows the user to easily see if vibration frequency data is harmonically related. The Harmonic cursor is chosen from a drop down menu and the user then places a primary cursor on the Spectrum plot with a left mouse click. The software automatically places cursors at whole number multiples of the primary cursor.
  • A Sideband cursor is now available in the Spectrum plot. This allows the user to easily see if vibration frequency data exists due to Amplitude Modulation. The Sideband cursor is chosen from a drop down menu and the user then places a primary cursor on the Spectrum plot with a left mouse click. The software automatically places cursors on either side of the primary cursor spaced at equal intervals. The interval is set by the user typing the suspected Amplitude Modulation frequency into a box in the Sideband drop down menu.

Machine Dossier Version 2.0.3 contains a new configuration utility to enable easy set up of all 8 channels. Previously, the X8 was configured only as a single channel unit and wasn’t differentiated from a ZARK within Machine Dossier. Version 2.0.3 allows all 8 channels to be configured and displayed.